Internet of things

Since Add Jam was founded in 2014 we've worked at the forefront of connected cities, wearable ands innovative hardware. We've collaborated with industrial studios, electrical engineers and firmware engineers to create breakthrough IoT products.

Working across standards

Add Jam have worked on a range of IoT projects from Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to Wifi and Zigbee. We can help you build and deploy IoT solutions to help you connect and manage your devices and data.
Working across standards

Connecting technology to the real world

We love working with hardware. When we can connect the digital world to the physical world it's magic. We can help you build and deploy IoT solutions to help you connect and manage your devices and data.
Connecting technology to the real world
Internet of things banner image

Connect the digital world to the physical world with Add Jam

Let's work together

Add Jam is your plug in team of developers, designers and product managers. We work with you to build digital products that people love.